
The SCIENCE AI Centre is a virtual centre that was established to promote interdisciplinary AI research at the University of Copenhagen. Below, you can find sections, centres and projects across the University that combine AI technologies and a wide range of application areas.
Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management and the Department of Computer Science bring together remote sensing and artificial intelligence to monitor, predict, and simulate changes in ecosystem properties – such as human settlement structures, agricultural use, tree and forest cover, water bodies, and carbon stocks – at a global scale.
Visit the website of the DeReCo projekt
Professor Rasmus Fensholt
Basic Algorithms Research Copenhagen (BARC) is a centre of excellence in basic algorithms research funded by the VILLUM Foundation. Using the power of mathematics it strives to create fundamental breakthroughs in algorithmic thinking.
Professor Mikkel Thorup
Center for Health Data Science (HeaDS) functions as a hub for research groups throughout the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences to support a world-class research environment for health data science with links to the many computational, experimental and clinical groups working within this field.
Head of HeaDS Anders Krogh, professor at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and the Department of Computer Science
Center for Tracking and Society (CTS) focuses on establishing an interdisciplinary research environment for empirical and theoretical research about digital tracking and society. The interdisciplinary work at CTS spans media and communication, computer science, surveillance, political economy and critical data studies. The center hosts a number of projects, which focus on e.g. AI in the news and automated decision-making in welfare provision.
Visit the website of Center for Tracking and Society (CTS)
Center Director, Associate Professor Stine Lomborg
At the Centre for Information and Innovation Law (CIIR) we are interested in a wide range of legal issues within the information and innovation law areas – both national and international – that lie at the intersection of law and technology and the heart of modern society in the digital age.
This includes related to intellectual property and data protection as well as internet and technology regulation, for example related to algorithmic content moderation, recommender systems, automated decision making.
Centre director, Associate Professor Sebastian Schwemer:
CIRCD studies contemporary communication, in all its aspects, formats, and participant frameworks. Their work is solidly rooted in the study of human “languaging” using a range of modalities. They specialize in multimodal analyses of social interaction in institutional settings and strategic communication, including interactions with AI.
A central project is BlindTech. The project examines how people with visual impairment or blindness actually use AI in everyday practice such as smartphones with AI-based apps and smart speaker systems such as Google Home Assistant.
Associate Professor Brian Due Lystgaard
At the Centre for Language Technology at University of Copenhagen we work with language technology and Natural Language Processing (NLP), primarily for Danish. A central project is The Central Word Register for Danish. The objective of the project is partly to support an efficient sharing of Danish language resources, and partly to make a sense inventory of Danish words (lemmas) available to companies and researchers working with AI.
Centre for Language Technology – University of Copenhagen
The Central Word Register for Danish (COR) – University of Copenhagen
Professor Bolette Sandford Pedersen
Chemometrics is using cutting edge of machine learning, artificial intelligence and good old statistics, applied to analytical chemistry within the field of food science and related disciplines.
Visit the web site of UCPH Chemometric at Department of FOOD:
Associate professor Åsmund Rinnan
Copenhagen Causality Lab (CoCaLa) at the department of Mathematical Sciences is performing research in foundations and applications of graphical models and causal learning.
Professor Niels Richard Hansen
SODAS is an interdisciplinary social science centre located at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen. The centre combines classic social science theories and methods with state of the art data science techniques.
Professor and Director Morten Axel Pedersen
SODAS administration
The AI Centre was affiliated with the Danish Center for Big Data Analytics driven Innovation (DABAI), a partnership funded by Innovation Fund Denmark. It was a collaboration between Danish universities and a number of corporations and public institutions.
Professor Stephen Alstrup
The main focus of the Data Analytics Group at Department of Food Science (FOOD) is on using analytical (chemical) instruments such as hyperspectral imaging and nuclear magnetic resonance to measure properties and functionalities of raw materials and food products to optimize and characterize food production and end-quality.
Visit the website of the Data Analytics Group
Professor Rasmus Bro
The Data Science Laboratory (DSL) acts as the entrance for researchers and students to the AI Centre. Being hosted by the Department of Mathematical Sciences and the Department of Computer Science, its overall aim is to enhance the quality of data analyses in research carried out at SCIENCE.
Head of Laboratory (Statistics), Associate Professor Bo Markussen
Head of Laboratory (Computer Science), Professor Erik Dam
The Deep Process Learning initiative at Department of Food Science (FOOD) is prompted by the rapid increase in volume and complexity of process data from food manufacturing systems. The initiative will strive to be the front-runners in conducting industrially relevant process-AI research, while maintaining the department's decade-long strong collaboration with the industry in process analytics and optimisation.
Professor Rasmus Bro
DIREC is an international flagship centre for digital research with the aim to expand the capacity within research, innovation and education in digital technologies in Denmark. KU is work package leader for AI with professor Mads Nielsen.
Professor Mads Nielsen
The Disease Systems Biology Program is leading in developing innovative tools to analyse and interpret big biomedical data effectively. The program is part of Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research.
Visit the website of The Disease Systems Biology Program
Research director, professor Søren Brunak
The ELLIS Unit Copenhagen is founded by researchers from the University of Copenhagen, the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) with the purpose of contributing to fulfilling the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) mission of strengthening basic AI research in Europe and thereby contributing to creating job and economic growth in Europe.
Visit the website of ELLIS Unit Copenhagen
Professor Christian Igel
The Electronic Research Data Archive (ERDA) and the High Performance Computing Centre (HPC) is the storage and high performance compute facility run by the Faculty of SCIENCE. It holds the resources funded by SCIENCE and the SCIENCE digitalization council for performing storage and compute intensive research at SCIENCE.
Visit the HPC Centre's website
Hans Henrik Happe
SCIENCE AI Centre and AI and Green Solutions Centre have established a thematic solution on AI and Green Transition.
Website of Green Solution Centre’s thematic solutions
Assistant Professor Raghavendra Selvan
The Information Retrieval Lab at Department of Computer Science (DIKU) conducts research in the areas of information retrieval (e.g. search engines) and information extraction. They study and develop tools that provide effective and efficient access to big, hetereogeneous data.
Visit the Information Retrieval Lab's website
Professor Christina Lioma
The Quantum for Life Centre combines research in quantum physic, mathematics, chemistry and data science.
Visit the website of The Quantum for Life Centre
Professor Matthias Christandl
The Pioneer Centre for AI focuses on fundamental research, and within an interdisciplinary framework, develops platforms, methods, and practices addressing society’s greatest challenges.
Visit the Pioneer Centre for AI's website
Professor and Director Serge Belongie
The Image Section at the Department of Computer Science is performing research in foundations and applications of image analysis and computer vision.
Visit the IMAGE Section's website
Professor and Head of Section, Kenny Erleben
The Machine Learning Section at the Department of Computer Science is performing research in foundations and applications of machine learning.
Visit the Machine Learning Section's website
Professor Christian Igel
The Natural Language Processing Section (NLP Section) at the Department of Computer Science is performing research in processing and understanding of natural language.
Visit the NLP Section's website
Professor Isabelle Augenstein