AI resources

Researchers and students at the University of Copenhagen can get access to a number of available AI resources, among other things an AI GPU compute resource for interdisciplinary AI projects.
Researchers and students at the University of Copenhagen with AI projects can apply to get access to the centre’s GPU cluster. A GPU computer is designed to perform calculations quickly and handle many tasks at once. It can therefore help you if you work with massive amounts of data or complex calculations.
Interdisciplinary projects where a researcher from the SCIENCE Faculty is involved will be preferred. We kindly ask applicants to acknowledge the SCIENCE AI Centre in publications resulting from the use of the resources.
How to apply for access to the GPU:
- Go to the HPC Centre's website
- Select the group "scienceai"
- Fill out the required information and press "Submit"
- You will now come to a second questionnaire where you need to add a short project description and a list of involved departments.
SCIENCE AI Centre will review your application and contact you afterwards.
At our Data Science Labs, we aim to enhance the quality of scientific data analyses in research carried out at the University of Copenhagen. We do this through courses, workshops, collaboration with researchers, and counseling of students and researchers.
Read more about the four Data Science Labs at the University of Copenhagen:
The Faculty of SCIENCE's High Performance Computing Centre serves as the central data management and e-infrastructure facility for The Faculty of Science. The centre is responsible for the development and operation of facilities for the storage, sharing, computation, analysis, and publication of research data. Read more about the HPC Centre here.
The Danish universities and DeiC are collaborating on the establishment and operation of a national High Performance Computing landscape, which will ensure the necessary and sufficient computing power for Danish research now and in the future. Read more about DeiC here.
Denmark is investing heavily in AI resources and is in the process of building one of the world’s most powerful AI supercomputers that researchers at Danish universities will be able to make use of. You can read more about the national supercomputer here.