
The SCIENCE AI Centre is directed by Professor Christian Igel as CEO and Anders Pall Skött as Manager. Above the CEO is a Steering Committee, constituted by the Dean and the Heads of Departments at the Faculty of Science.
Steering committee members
- Lise Arleth, Associate Dean for Research, Head of Steering Committee, Faculty of Science
- Christian Igel, Director, Department of Computer Science
- Anders Pall Skött, Manager, Department of Computer Science
- NN, Department of Plant and Environmental sciences
- Ken Friis Larsen, Head of Department, Department of Computer Science
Vivian Kvist Johansen, Head of Department, Department of Geoscience and Natural Ressource Management
- Anna Haldrup, Head of Department, Department of Food Science
Mogens Steffensen, Head of Department, Department of Mathematical Science
- Simon Rasmussen, Associate Professor, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
- Joachim Mathiesen, Professor, The Niels Bohr Institute
- Morten Axel Pedersen, Professor, Copenhagen Center of Social Data Science, Faculty of Social Sciences
- Giovanni Colavizza, professor, Head of Centre for Digital and Computational Humanities
- Sebastian Felix Schwemer, Associate Professor, Center of Information and Innovation Law, Faculty of Law
- Mads Nielsen, Professor, Pioneer Centre for AI