
Collaboration with the industry and public sector is a focus point of the AI Centre. It is a direct way of translating academic results into products and services that can benefit society.
We are searching for new collaborations. The nature of the collaboration can range from small, informal discussions to large, formal projects. Examples include:
- Meetings where a researcher provides input and feedback on data analysis, algorithm design, experimental design etc.
- Projects where a researcher carries out data analysis or design and implementation of algorithms, if the project is also interesting from an academic view.
- Larger collaborations where a comprehensive analysis or development of new methods or algorithms is needed. Such collaborations will typically require co-financing by the industrial partner.
If you are interested in a collaboration with the AI Centre, please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can find our contact info here.
The University of Copenhagen fosters AI collaboration with industry and partners through various initiatives including:
AI Denmark
AI Denmark, funded by Industriens Fond, supports the use of artificial intelligence and data-driven business development by Danish small and medium-sized companies. The vision is to make Denmark a pioneering country within company-oriented utilization of responsible artificial intelligence.
Special Consultant Camilla Vang Arffmann
DIKU Business Club
The DIKU Business Club is a forum for the University’s collaboration with companies interested in recruiting IT and Computer Science students, company collaboration with researchers or in getting better insights into our research and activities.
Visit the website of DIKU Business Club
Business consultant, Manager Inge Hviid Jensen
DIREC is an international flagship centre for digital research with the aim to expand the capacity within research, innovation and education in digital technologies in Denmark. KU is work package leader for AI with professor Mads Nielsen.
Professor Mads Nielsen